Sweet Soma is a top-quality high-yielding cannabis strain. It produces huge resinous buds and has a distinct sweetness that reminds of exotic, tropical fruit. Its effect is very relaxing and leaves the user in a contented state of bliss.
The intense aroma and flavour of this stain merge with a pleasingly moderate effect to make it an ideal strain for evening and bedtime use. It provides a somewhat heavy cerebral effect but without the full couch-locking qualities found in many indicas.
The genetics of Sweet Soma are mostly indica with an effect that is very cerebral. This strain has also been praised for its ability to manage issues like migraines, muscle aches, and sleep disorders.
The plants are compact but they produce well. The typical plant can yield an average of 350-400 g per square metre and those numbers remain steady whether grown indoors or out.
Indoor plants respond well to basic light cycles. Outdoors, they prefer to have the advantage of the longest of summer days. Adequate lighting inside or out is essential for maximising yields.
Outdoor growers will note that the plants grow sometimes twice as large as indoor plants which means they also produce twice as much product. Flower time is relatively short at only about 75 days average.
Sweet Soma also has a very sturdy structure and compact shape. With short distances between internodes and gorgeous medium-sized green leaves, these plants are very pleasing to the eye with their classic Christmas tree shape.
They are also very inconspicuous since they do not emit an immediately identifiable scent like many strains do. They make a great addition to most gardens and will not raise suspicions with the neighbours.
These plants are also capable of multiple harvests when grown in areas that have longer, warmer, growing seasons than average.