Cannabis Seeds / Breeders / Humboldt Seed Organization

Humboldt Seeds Cannabis Seeds

Humboldt Seeds is a Californian brand which is also the best known marijuana brand in the United States. They deal primarily in medical marijuana, selling to dispensaries and seed banks all over the US. They have spent many years researching the medical properties of cannabis and now have the finest organic seed production line that can be found anywhere in America.

This is a very professional company which cares a great deal about the quality and medical integrity of their produce and so the collective of breeders and scientists that make up Humboldt Seeds have been working tirelessly for many years, testing and collecting the finest strains that they have been able to hunt down. They are truly a company completely obsessed with quality.

They are also an extremely green brand, using only organic nutrients and buying locally to help stabilise the local economy. They recycle all waste and have a great deal of respect for their environment and so attempt to integrate with it as harmlessly as is possible.

This is a brand that isn't obsessed with turn over or profit, they simply want to help people in need any way that they can and their contribution to this cause is to create the finest and most effective medical marijuana on the market. Their hope is to soon go global so that they can further help those desperately in need of their extremely high quality of medicinal cannabis.

It just so happens that some of the finest genetic cannabis strains can be found in Humboldt in Northern California and so their want to spread this genetically superior cannabis with the rest of the world is certainly an admirable one. As well as this they have an extremely helpful and informative website which shows them to be the true and trustworthy professionals that they are.

Please remember that the growing of cannabis plants and the cultivation of seeds is illegal in some countries - please check the laws of your country and don't be growing any plants if it is against your country's laws.


Banana  Sapphire  Feminised  Cannabis  Seeds
Rated: 7/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
C Ear G H U O1 Rf Y3 Lm N1690963603 1
Rated: 8.5/10
Humboldt Seed Organization

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Blueberry Headband Feminised Seeds
Rated: 10/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
Chem  Bomb  Auto  Flowering  Cannabis  Seeds 0
Rated: 7.5/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
Chocolate  Mint  O G  Auto  Flowering  Cannabis  Seeds
Rated: 8/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
Humboldt  Chocolate  Mint  O G  Feminised 0
Rated: 9/10
Humboldt Seed Organization

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Cinnamon  Buddha  O G  Feminised  Cannabis  Seeds 0
Rated: 9/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
Dedoverde Haze Feminised Seeds
Rated: 8/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
Florida  Gaspack  Feminised  Cannabis  Seeds
Rated: 8/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
Ghost  Of  N Y C  Feminised  Cannabis  Seeds 0
Rated: 8/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
W Df6yvm9 Tu Vi Lmly1694431026 1
Rated: 9/10
Humboldt Seed Organization

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Green Crack Feminised Seeds
Rated: 8/10
Humboldt Seed Organization

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Ice  Cream  Cake  Fast  Feminised  Cannabis  Seeds
Rated: 9/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
Lemon  Citron  Feminised  Cannabis  Seeds
Rated: 7/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
Mango  O G  Auto  Flowering  Cannabis  Seeds 0
Rated: 8/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
Og  Kush  Auto  Feminised  Humboldt 0
Rated: 7/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
OG Kush Feminised Seeds
Rated: 9/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
O G K Z  Auto  Flowering  Cannabis  Seeds 0
Rated: 9/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
Peanut  Butter  Breath  Fast  Feminised  Cannabis  Seeds
Rated: 8/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
Pineapple  Chem  Auto  Flowering  Cannabis  Seeds
Rated: 7/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
Pineapple Skunk Feminised Seeds
Rated: 8/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
Runtz  Fast  Feminised  Cannabis  Seeds
Rated: 7/10
Humboldt Seed Organization
Sapphire  Og  Feminised  Cannabis  Seeds  Humboldt  Cannabis  Seeds 0
Rated: 8/10
Humboldt Seed Organization

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White  Runtz  Fast  Feminised  Cannabis  Seeds
Rated: 7/10
Humboldt Seed Organization