Created by blending Afghan, Hawaiian and Nepalese genetics, this 60/40 Indica/Sativa cross is remarkably balanced, if a little bit contradictory in its effects: On one hand it is capable of producing profound cerebral effects and generating an energetic buzz, yet on the other, the high can taper off into a strong, couch-lock inducing full-body stone: Either way, it comes on strong and lasts for a long time.
A strong woody, spicy and herbaceous taste and aroma is cut through by subtle waves of rosewater and a mild hint of Turkish delight on the tongue.
Flowering Indoor: 8-9 weeks flowering time. Yield up to 0.9 gram (dry and manicured) per watt per m2 (with 1000W HPS). Flowering Outdoor: 9-10 weeks flowering time, with production up to 1Kg per plant depending on the final size. Good resistance to pests.