Kali Dog's history goes back at least 20 years. It is a powerful cannabis strain that delivers a powerful, nearly overwhelming flavour and aroma of lemon and diesel. Really, that is its major appeal - people get a whiff and can't imagine NOT trying it.
The plants are nice and compact and densely packed. They also provide impressive yields, particularly indoors where the average plant gives up about 600 g per square metre. That kind of return does come with a price, though.
These plants are a little finicky about their growing environment and handling so, unlike most other feminised strains, this one is recommended more for experienced growers. They have become genetically disposed to very predictable conditions. In short, these are indoor seeds. Yes, they will grow outdoors but they are very susceptible to mould, fungus, and pests that can cause a real threat to the crop.
In the plus column, taking good care of these plants, keeping the humidity low and making sure they get a steady flow of rich nutrients results in heavy, dense, delicious buds. Growers who have worked with these seeds agree: Kali Dog is a fussy girl but she rewards the good efforts of the grower. The plants are relatively squat making them good candidates for SOG and ScrOG setups along with a variety of other methods and indoor environments.
Experienced growers can maximise yields by keeping up with pruning and trimming. Letting them grow too tall will not help with bud production and could actually decrease the quality of the ones that do develop. Look for the plants to do their most stretching during the fist couple weeks of flowering. Total flower time is about 8-10 weeks. Most plants will be done after about nine on average.