Purple Maroc is a cross between a Maroc female and a Purple Passion male plant, both chosen for their superior genetics and yield capability. The Maroc genetics create a plant that produces an exceptionally powerful resin in comparison to a pure Purple Passion.
Both parent strains have the advantage of being early-flowering and fast-maturing. Both are also ideal strains for outdoor growers. They thrive even in cold climates and at high altitudes.
The flavour of Purple Maroc is typical of an indica-dominant strain and when mingled with the flavour of Maroc it creates a taste that many enthusiasts find practically irresistible.
The look of the plants is equally pleasing with many buds taking on the signature deep purple colour of its namesake. They also glisten with a thick coat of that amazing resin, making them even more tantalising.
Outdoor growers will want to sow these seeds mid-April through mid-May for best results. These are such outdoor-loving seeds, it is best to start them outside as opposed too in.
Starting them inside can cause them to flower very early and with Purple Maroc, one wants things to happen at a particular pace. The best-producing plants will flower at the height of summer when days are long and warm.
Once they develop into strong plants they stabilise and produce an abundance of high-quality buds.
Looking to have a go at these seeds indoors? Be sure to give them plenty of air and nutrients and leave the lights on. An 18/6 cycle will work best. Also try to simulate outdoor conditions as much as possible.
Grow Purple Maroc in soil whenever possible. They take to other methods but keeping it simple will have particular rewards. Cured product will store well and one plant will provide the hobbyist grower with a decent stash.
Please remember that the growing of cannabis plants and the cultivation of seeds is illegal in some countries - please check the laws of your country and don't be growing any plants if it is against your country's laws