Cannabis Seeds / Feminised Seeds / Vision Seeds / Cheese Feminised Seeds
Cheese Feminised Seeds

Vision Seeds
Vision Seeds Cannabis Seeds
Cheese Feminised Seeds

Cheese is one of the worlds most popular strains, originating in the UK, and is famous for its intense smell or musk and cheese. The effect is euphoric and relaxing with a combination of a mental and bodily effect.

The plants themselves are bushy with hard buds and tight calyx. Cheese needs plenty of growing space and is the ideal strain for those who are looking for an effective painkiller or something to help them control their anxiety.

This strain is feminised and will only grow into female plants. Feminised seeds are ideal for growers who don't want to breed their own crops. For these growers the male plants are a nuisance and can harm the females during the flowering period.

This means the males have to be removed and, since they take up half of a regular crop, this is a huge waste of time and money. Feminised plants also tend to be higher in quality and uniformity than regular plants.

Some breeders also prefer to use them, despite the fact that feminised breeding is very difficult. These seeds are also photoperiod and will require a light cycle in order to flower.

This strain has a flowering time of 8 – 9 weeks and can be grown indoors, outdoors or in a greenhouse.

Remember that the cultivation of cannabis seeds is illegal in some countries, please check the laws of your country before attempting to cultivate cannabis seeds.

Skunk #1 x Afghan Kush

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Cheese Feminised Seeds
Rated: 8/10 based on 1 ratings by our customers

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CBD Content:
THC Content:
Flowering time:
8-9 weeks
Skunk #1 x Afghan Kush
Greenhouse, Grows indoors, Grows outdoors
Medical conditions:
Anxiety, Pain
Medical properties:
Anxiety, Pain
Plant height:
100-200 cm
Flowering type:
Indica / Sativa
Medium, High
Body, Euphoric, Powerful
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