Auto Snow Ryder's secret parents are an unknown hybrid marijuana strain and an unknown Ruderalis plant.
Flowering is induced by the plant's chronological age, not by a drop in (day)light hours.
This is a hardy plant that will grow to a height of 90 - 120 cm and is ideal for outdoor growing settings.
Flowering will commence around week six of growth and will finish fast, possibly in as little as 40 days but up to 55 days.
It is really simple to grow and highly forgiving, yet the more attention to detail, the better the outcomes.
When properly cared for, there will be a plethora of bud sites that will mature into rock hard, frosty, Indica-type nuggets of delight.
With an earthy-citrus flavour with sweet and spicy undertones and that will produce a feel-good high that is great for daytime despite its body-centric effect.