5 Great Countries Where the Use of Cannabis Won’t Land You in Jail

Everyone is already well aware that the Netherlands is the leader when it comes to countries where it’s legal to smoke cannabis without fear of being thrown in jail.  Uruguay has also just legalized cannabis, so I’m sure it’s going to become a more attractive place to visit for a certain demographic which enjoys the pleasures of lighting up.  There are even two states in America where it’s now legal to possess cannabis, but today I don’t want to focus on any of those places because no doubt you already know about them.

You might enjoy traveling so we’re going to look at some of the few countries where possession of cannabis is tolerated: This doesn’t mean that it’s legal, but it does mean that you won’t end up doing a long stretch in the joint.


Portugal and Spain

We’re going to lump these countries in with each other because they sit side-by-side geographically, plus they also have similar laws when it comes to possession of cannabis.

You’re allowed to have it in your possession as long as it’s for personal use, which means although you won’t end up behind bars if you’re caught with a small amount, you will get in a lot of trouble if you’re caught with too much of it.  This is simply because they’ll assume you’re trying to sell it rather than enjoy it by yourself.

So, feel free to light up when you’re in either country, as long as you’re in your own home: Just don’t walk about with your pockets so full of the stuff that your trousers start to fall down!

Czech Republic

If you ever visit the Czech Republic you’ll likely end up in Prague, because it’s one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The country is also home to some very lenient drug laws when it comes to cannabis.

You’re even allowed to grow your own plants and as long as you stay away from trouble, you’ll not receive any bother. 5 plants is the maximum amount which you are allowed to grow there for personal use, so don’t think about setting up a cannabis farm in your city apartment!

They’ve taken a sensible approach to the needs of cannabis smokers, because even though the drug is still technically illegal there, smokers won’t have to worry about buying their supply from shady people.  Just grow and enjoy your own creations. You won’t have time to grow your own plants if you only plan on being there for a few weeks, but if you’re caught with a small amount it won’t hurt you.


Cambodia is becoming more and more popular every year because of the countless backpackers who throw their life in a backpack while they make their way around the world. South-East Asia is a very popular destination and Cambodia is on the backpacker trail.

It’s also the most lenient country in the region when it comes to cannabis, which is great, because in a few other countries they’d quite happily lock you up for decades if they caught you with a joint in your hand.

The government realized its best just to let people enjoy themselves as long as they’re not harming anyone, so if you’re about to backpack around the world I’d recommend spending a few weeks here getting stoned on the beach every night instead of lighting up in any of Cambodia’s neighboring countries.


A lot of people used to assume cannabis was legal in Jamaica, thanks to legends like Bob Marley, but it never was and most people in the country aren’t Rastafarian weed smokers.  That still doesn’t mean you’ll get into heaps of trouble if you’re caught with a small amount. It’s so deeply-rooted in the history of the country that the police will usually look the other way.

You might also find that it will be decriminalized in coming months, (Some promising rumours are picking up speed), so by the time you get there it could be perfectly legal to walk into a shop and buy it. Let’s hope so because Jamaica is such a glorious country to visit!

Never forget to be very careful and show respect to your host nation

You always have to keep your wits about you and if you can manage that you should be able to enjoy the pleasures of the herb in all the countries we’ve spoken about today.  Just because you won’t get in trouble for smoking a joint doesn’t mean that you can push your luck to the limit.

This list would not be complete without a shout out to North Korea. Cannabis isn’t even classified as a drug there, but if you fancy hopping over there for a chilled-out stoner holiday, you’ll likely end up in jail for a decade (if you are lucky) after they accuse you of being a spy. Still, it’s legal to smoke cannabis there, so it deserves to be on the list!

Your country might not be so liberal when it comes to cannabis consumption: But, did you know that in many countries (including the UK), it is fully legal to buy cannabis seeds?  If you can smell the winds of change and would like to keep a nice collection of top-notch genetics for future posterity, The Vault Cannabis Seeds Store has you covered: From high-tech Autoflowering Seeds to good old-fashioned regular seeds, we have a huge selection to add to your collection: Just make sure to check your local laws before ordering and join in the revolution!

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