4 Healthiest Ways to Smoke Cannabis

4 Healthiest Ways to Smoke Cannabis

4 Healthiest Ways to Smoke Cannabis


Cannabis is a remarkable substance that provides so many excellent benefits. For one, it offers recreational services that provide people with a way to bond and have fun. Also, it provides many medical benefits.


As beneficial as cannabis is, it was controversial for a long time. Many countries banned it because they feared it was affecting people and causing unhealthy addictions.


Luckily, they have begun to reverse this ban. This reversal has led to scientists conducting a lot of research on cannabis, which has ascertained the medical benefits cannabis gives. As a result, so many people are now smoking cannabis.


This dramatic change brings an even bigger problem, which is how to smoke cannabis healthily. If you want to know how to smoke cannabis healthily, you’re in luck. This article will help to explain the four healthiest ways to smoke cannabis.


1.  Vaping



Vaping is a relatively new form of smoking that uses an atomizer, vape juice, vape pens and stash box to create vapor. The atomizer heats the cannabis, which creates a vapor. All you need to do is turn on the vape pen, which would trigger the atomizer to heat up, turning the cannabis into vapor.


After this happens, you can safely inhale the vapor into your lungs, giving you recreational and medicinal benefits without the smoke.


As opposed to smoking cannabis the traditional way, vaping comes in multiple colors. This ensures that you would never get bored vaping and ensure you get a quality vaping experience.


There are several reasons why vapes are now widespread and are the healthiest ways of smoking cannabis. They are:


●     Provides an alternative for smoking addictions


Smoking addictions can be pretty challenging to contain. 34.1 million people currently smoke tobacco in the U.S alone, which is a scary number. Many studies have shown that long-term smoking of cannabis can lead to multiple conditions such as bronchitis, emphysema, and hypertension. It can even lead you to develop life-threatening conditions such as cancer and heart-related diseases. Its main constituents, nicotine, and tobacco are why so many people are addicted to smoking.


Hence, vaping provides a way for long-term smokers to transition without experiencing the terrible withdrawal symptoms of abstaining from smoking.


That’s why


●     It doesn’t contain smoke



Another reason why vaping is a healthy way to smoke cannabis is the fact that vaping offers a smoke-free cannabis session. Rather than burning the plant to get the cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, the atomizer turns it into vapor without flames.


As you may already know, the smoke that comes out of burning tobacco is very carcinogenic. It can also lead you to develop several health complications. Switching smoking cannabis with vaping is healthy as it would prevent you from potentially developing cancer and other health problems.



2.  Water Filters



A water filter is another fantastic option while you want to smoke your cannabis. Although vaping is the safest way to smoke, you can also smoke healthily by using water filtering devices such as bongs, bubblers, or water pipe filters.


This would allow the vapor to go through a hydration system, which would make it easier for your lungs. It removes the heat and some other particles you don’t need from the vapor before it gets to your lungs.



3.  Hookah



Hookah is a device that’s very similar to water filters. It is an instrument that you can also use to vaporize and heat cannabis and other juices.



Like water filters, the vapor then goes through a water basin before inhaling it into your lungs. This would ensure that you don’t cough or experience any side effects while you inhale.



4.  Lighting Blunts Using a Hemp Wick



As you may already know, blunts are the traditional way to smoke cannabis. It simply involves wrapping up cannabis and then lighting it up at the tip. It creates a cloud of smoke which then passes through the blunt and into your lungs.


Rather than lighting it up with a traditional fire, it would be better and healthier if you lit it up with a piece of hemp. Many smokers understand this and are now using hemp wicks to light up their blunts and have a fantastic time. This would prevent you from developing smoke-related diseases.


Final Thoughts



Many people now use cannabis for recreational and medicinal benefits. Many studies have shown that it can suppress mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, relieve pain, and maintain homeostasis.


That said, this article has helped to explain the four healthiest ways to smoke cannabis. This would give you a good idea of what to choose depending on your preference.


If you prefer to smoke cannabis in a more modern way, you can choose to purchase vapes, hookahs, and water filter devices. On the other hand, if you want to smoke cannabis more traditionally, it would be better for you to light your blunt using a hemp wick.


Reference Articles






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Remember: It is illegal to germinate cannabis seeds in many countries including the UK.  It is our duty to inform you of this fact and to urge you to obey all of your local laws to the letter.  The Vault only ever sells or sends out seeds for souvenir, collection or novelty purposes.

*Article Written by Jessica Smith


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