We like to think, ‘You Can’t Fault The Vault’ – with us giving away loads of goodies and offers on a regular basis, such as the recent 132 seed give-away with The Vault Truck. Anyway, this time round we come to you with a new discount for the weekend: 15% off all seeds. This is a flash offer and will expire at mid-day UK time Monday 13th May, so get spending soon ;-).
Freebies on All Orders
Every order you place with the Vault qualifies for your own choice of a free seed which is always sent in breeder packaging.
All orders – Choose 1 seed from a selection of Barney’s Farm (1 seed)
£50 and above spend – Choose a seed from a selection Seedsman Seeds (2nd Free Seed)
£100 and above spend – Free shipping plus a choice of an additional seed from various breeders (3rd Free Seed)
£200 and above – Free shipping and your choice of a 10 pack from a selection of Female Seeds (13th Free Seed)
Your voucher code is simply: VAULTFLASH15. Closes Mid-Day UK Time Monday 13th May. Packages sent worldwide. Guaranteed shipping options available.
To make sure you never miss any of our offers, promos and competitions again sign up to The Vaults newsletter now at http://goo.gl/Bt2Ba2 And feel free to connect with us across other Social Media platforms too.
Legal Disclaimer: The competition winner will have their prize sent to them via recorded delivery. If you win the competition but don’t receive your prize, we cannot resend competition seeds, so you’ll have to raise this with your local delivery service (In the UK, for example, this would be Royal Mail).
Remember: It is illegal to germinate cannabis seeds in many countries. It is our duty to inform you of this fact and to urge you to obey all of your local laws to the letter. The Vault only ever sells or sends out seeds for souvenir, collection or novelty purposes.
Like to see if I can get free ones to try
Great site.