Can Cannabis Compounds Prevent Covid – 19 Infection?

Can Cannabis Compounds Prevent Covid 19 Infection

Can Cannabis Compounds Prevent Covid 19 Infection


Right, so I know we are always finding out new amazing things that weed can do, but it looks like it may literally help with the ongoing global pandemic. I’ll be honest, I was trying to think of something to write about so I started my research and immediately I found a number of articles that appeared yesterday claiming that cannabis compounds may stop Covid – 19. Well, not completely stop it overall, that would be crazy, but studies have shown that it may have a significant effect on infection rates. While this is all new and still somewhat speculative we may as well have a look into what has been reported in recent studies. 


What Do We Think Is Happening?


So essentially scientists from Oregon State University have published a study that indicates cannabis compounds may have the potential to stop the virus from penetrating healthy human cells. Isn’t that already just completely wild? 

The compounds in question are cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) and cannabidiolic acid (CBDA). These may not be compounds you’re as familiar with as the classics, but essentially they seem to be effective in stopping both the Alpha and Beta variants of the virus in its tracks. The study published in the Journal Of Nature Products talks about the fact that these compounds seem to be capable of binding the spike protein found on the virus. This is basically the bit that it uses to penetrate a healthy cell and generally mess it right up. Though we may not be as familiar with these cannabis compounds they are still plentiful and extremely common in most if not all forms of cannabis. So essentially if these compounds have the potential to stop the spread of Covid-19, even if it’s just so far in the Alpha and Beta variants, this could be massive news for…well everyone. 


What Does This Mean?


Essentially like almost anything early in scientific testing we don’t know yet. It essentially means that it is possible scientists could create some form of cannabis-derived meds that may be able to help us stave off Covid – 19. It means that so far we know that there is an effect had by these cannabis acids on the Alpha and Beta variants of the virus. This is obviously excellent news and we should be excited about it but it doesn’t mean we can go straight to assuming weed can cure Covid. The acids that bind the spike protein of the virus aren’t the same boys that get us high. Many of you will already know that cannabis is an extremely complex plant that contains all sorts of fun nonsense. There are cannabinoids like THC and cannabinoid acids like the fellas we are talking about here. Having read a good deal of the study in the Journal of Natural Products I can confidently say that I didn’t have a great understanding of the majority of it, since I studies English Lit and Acting I’m not super learned when it comes to science jargon. However, if you are, I suggest giving it a once over to get a full idea of what is going on in the study. 


These acids are highly capable of blocking the spike protein as I mentioned earlier. Most vaccines and antibody therapies are trying to do exactly that. So any new way we are finding to achieve that goal is amazing news. This could potentially block infections but could also shorten the length and the severity of the virus. In turn, this means that though it may not cure Covid it has the potential to save a lot of lives. 


Will Smoking Weed Block Infection?


The extremely short answer to that is no, it won’t. There has been no link between smoking weed and a reduction in Covid cases, that’s not what this study is about. Unfortunately, the masses have already taken to the internet to say that weed cures or can prevent you from catching this virus. I cannot be clearer about this, that is not true. We are not in any way suggesting that if you smoke weed you don’t need to worry about Covid or don’t need to be as careful so please ensure that isn’t yours or anyone else’s take away from this news. The last thing we need is more stigma around weed or around those who smoke it. This is exactly what will happen if people start claiming stoners are super spreaders. So yes, this is a real boon for cannabis-based medicinal science and testing but just be cool about it you guys. 


What’s Next 


The main setback with this study is that it hasn’t yet been tested on humans. We all know that initial testing successes do not mean that humans will see the same benefit. At this stage all they know is that the acid’s have an effect on the virus in a test tube. However, this is a good place to start and hopefully they will be able to move forwards into some actual testing. We do know that these compounds can be orally ingested and so hopefully at some stage they can be used to create a form of treatment suitable for human consumption. Hopefully, if this is successful, it will also lead to a more serious look into what cannabis is capable of. Certainly we have long been looking at the medicinal benefits of weed, but it is still woefully underfunded. Who knows, if we manage to use cannabis to help end this lasting global pandemic there may be more attention paid to what this plant can do if we look past it’s most basic uses. We can only hope that further research and testing will be going forward after the publishing of this article. 


Once again I cannot stress enough, no one has claimed that weed can cure Covid. The acids that can help only exist pre-carboxylation and so setting fire to weed would actually destroy them. Absolutely keep on smoking, just also wear your mask and stay safe.


Written by Tasha Porritt.


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Remember: It is illegal to germinate cannabis seeds in many countries including the UK.  It is our duty to inform you of this fact and to urge you to obey all of your local laws to the letter.  The Vault only ever sells or sends out seeds for souvenir, collection or novelty purposes.


Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash

One thought on “Can Cannabis Compounds Prevent Covid – 19 Infection?

  1. Thanks Lui, always enjoy your articles here. I must look up that study, it bares out for me.
    > Unvaxxed vegetarian ; been taking 25mg Raw hemp extract caps (CBD & Cbda) for 3.5years, originally for stress & digestive health. They helped.
    In 2020 decided on daily regimen of 2x 25mg CBD capsules per day, with usual supplements VitC, D3, B complex, Omega3 oil, Zinc & Magnesium minerals. ~ Touch wood, I haven’t had a cold or any of the covid symptoms yet. Just lately added Ashwaganda & Chaga tinctures to my regimen ; said to fortify & boost immune system.
    Most important to get outdoors & forest bathe (Shinrin Yoku)🌲 Partial to my Mighty Vape in the evening with some tasty herbs, Gelato this week. Best wishes & good health to all 🙂

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