Tips For Rolling The Perfect Joint

Tips For Rolling The Perfect Joint

Tips For Rolling The Perfect Joint


The perfect joint is absolutely in the eye of the beholder. We all like different things from our jazz cigarettes and I wouldn’t dare to make assumptions. Today, I will pass on a few tips and tricks for rolling what would generally be considered a perfect joint. Perhaps you will find some, all or none of these tips useful but there’s no harm in giving it a go. This article may also be of use to the eager beginner who doesn’t want to look like a big nerd when they are invited to roll in front of friends, friends of friends, or indeed strangers. Without further ado here are just a few little tricks that can help you roll a truly superlative spliff. 


Set The Mood 


If you put too much pressure on the perfect joint you’ll often find that you mess it up. Get relaxed, get in the zone and maybe put on some music. The less you worry about doing it wrong the less likely it is that you will do it wrong that is. This can be especially important if you are in a high-pressure situation like a party or sitting next to that one person who usually rolls and is amazing at it but somehow you ended up offering your services this time and you’re not sure why or how you keep doing this to yourself. Just an example of a situation of course. 


The Perfect Roach


Having the correct roach will make a huge difference to your joint. If it’s too small or thin it’ll be hard to roll properly, the same if it is too big. Also always use card, train tickets or skin packets tend to work pretty well or you can literally buy roach card from most shops. Roll it quite tight initially so when it unrolls a little it will still be right enough to stop allll of the weed just rocketing into the back of your throat. If it’s too tight though it will make drawing the smoke through a lot harder and generally will make the joint difficult to smoke. 


Are You New?


If you are indeed new here there is no shame in using premade joint accessories. If you have no idea how to build a joint just get king skins. You can also get premade roaches, rolling mats and all sorts of other fun little accessories that can make the process significantly easier. Rolling mats were very popular when I was a teen and they were often a great tool for those who struggled with structure. Try not to use these sorts of items as a crutch, but more as a helper until you learn how to do it yourself. 


Grind For Your Life


If we are looking at the quality of the smoke rather than the look or stability of the joint we need to focus on grinding. If you like you can use very sharp scissors to really chop up the weed which can create a lovely smooth smoke. Otherwise use a grinder with metal teeth, not plastic, and grind the living shizz out of your weed. The finer the grind the smoother the smoke and the better the high. 


Pack It Tight 


Get your mind out of the gutter, I mean make sure the weed or weed and tobacco are really tamped down into the joint. When you first roll it the contents will be a little loosey-goosey like rolling a cigarette. You want to take what we used to call a “pokey bit”. This can be a wheel from a lighter, a pencil, chopstick, or personally, I love using the leg of my glasses. Tamp it right down so that it smokes evenly. This will also stop one side of the joint from burning without the other which is very irritating. Careful when you are poking though as if you’re too rough you may go right through the side of the joint. 


Be Gentle


If you are using multiple skins to build a joint just be very gentle. Many times have I been over-excited while rolling and accidentally pulled the two skins apart. Perhaps I didn’t stick them well enough but the point stands, it’s just gum run off it’s not going to be super-duper sticky. Try not to pull on the skins when rolling, just gently scruffle it softly between your fingertips. The easiest way is to make sure your fingers are nice and dry when you are rolling. 


Use The Roach As A Guide


If you are struggling to roll and keep the joint’s shape just use the roach as your guide. The joint will be tightest around the roach so you just need to let it naturally cone out from there. If you manage the base you should be able to get the rest of the shape right. 




It can also be a good idea to pre-mix your tobacco and your weed together in a bowl if you use tobacco. This makes sure that you don’t get any big clumps at a random part of the joint, especially important if you are sharing. It also keeps the smoke very smooth and even which is always a good thing. 




If you are new to rolling these tips are going to give you the world’s most gorgeous joints straight away. The only sure-fire way to be able to create true smokeable art is to practice as much as possible. Often practising under pressure can actually help. If you’re with some friends and there is a question as to who will skin up, just volunteer. Just like every other hobby the more you do it the better you will get. Another way to practice is to roll single skinners, this is especially good for those who don’t smoke rollies. Trying with one skin and essentially rolling a cigarette but with weed is a fantastic way to practice the simple technique of rolling without the extra length to worry about.


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Remember: It is illegal to germinate cannabis seeds in many countries including the UK.  It is our duty to inform you of this fact and to urge you to obey all of your local laws to the letter.  The Vault only ever sells or sends out seeds for souvenir, collection or novelty purposes.


Photo by Elsa Olofsson on Unsplash



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