Making A Home Made Bong

Making A Home Made Bong

Making A Home Made Bong


Have you ever been in that situation where you get stuck with weed but have no way to smoke it? Maybe you ran out of papers, pipe snapped, a raccoon stole your bong, all the classics. Well fear not, there are loads of household things that you can make a bong out of. I know, it’s very high school in the 90s but sometimes needs must. Also, it can just be fun to make your own bong and give yourself a strange sense of achievement. So whether you just feel like being creative or it’s the middle of the night and you have no way to get high, here are a few ways that you can make your very own bong at home. 


Can Bong


If you have a few drink cans hanging around in your recycling then you have the base for a great little bong. You’ll just need maybe three cans, depending on how tall you like your bongs. You’ll also need tape, a can opener, scissors and something sharp to make a hole like a nail. Literally, that’s all you need, it’s insanely simple. 

First, you’ll want to cut the top out of your cans with the can opener. Be very careful not to cut yourself while you’re removing the tops. Then take the bottoms off except for the can you want to use as the base. 

Next, you want to put your bong together and we will start with getting the base can ready. Just below the centre of the can use your sharp thing to pierce a hole. Use the scissors to make the hole bigger by shoving the tip in (which didn’t make me giggle) and opening it up till it’s about the size of your little fingertip. 

Now stack up against your cans and tape them together, make sure you use plenty of tape to stop smoke leaking out. If you like you can also use super glue. Obviously cover the mouthpiece at the top with tape so you don’t cut your face up when you use the bong. 

Now you just need the bowl which you can make from a bunch of tin foil or anything that you think will hold the weed and connect into the can, again tape thoroughly. 

I would only recommend a can bong for one night use as it’s probably not amazing for you. 


Bottle Bong


This is probably one of the more popular homemade bongs because almost everyone has a few old water bottles hanging around. The general concept is very similar to the previous option. All you need is a 500ml water bottle, some tin foil, something pointy for hole poking, and some scissors. Perfect if you’re not really a fizzy drink person and you don’t have any cans hanging around. Again please don’t keep using this over a long period there is no way it’s good for you. 


First, you want to grab your water bottle and if you like you can leave some water in the bottom to keep her steady, perhaps take off the label if you fancy it. If your bottle has a lid just chuck it you won’t need it. 

Grab your tin foil, make sure you’re not using the cheap or flimsy stuff because it’ll just rip and your bong won’t work. If necessary just fold it over a few times and you should be fine. Cover the mouth of the bottle and press your thumb gently into the opening so you make a little bowl shape. You also wanna make sure the foil is compressed well around the mouthpiece of the bottle. 

Grab your pokey thing and get to poking, we want to make a few small holes in the bowl. Keep the holes far apart and not too big or your bowl is just going to rip apart. 

Next, you poke it through the bottle right above where the label would usually be, or still is if you left it on. Now it’s time scissors! 

Grab the point bit of your scissors and ease it into the hole you made with the pointy thing. Again don’t make it too big and be careful to not rip the bottle. 

Now you have your bowl and your mouthpiece, pop your bud in the bowl, light it, inhale through the hole you made. Technically I guess it’s more of a pipe than a bong but it gets the job done.  


Apple Bong


Finally, we are going to go for a classic known as the apple bong. Personally, I’m not a fruit person and I think these are kinda gross but you do you. As long as you have an apple and some weed you are pretty much home free with this one. You will as usual need something for poking, holes are pretty vital in any homemade bong. Apples are a bit thicker than plastic or aluminium so you’ll need something that can be easily pushed through without snapping. You might want to use keys or a pen or even a screwdriver. 


First, just screw the little stalky bit off the apple at the top and voila, you have a bowl.

Now just grab whatever you want to use for poking and make a hole from the dip in the top of the apple to about halfway down. 

Next, we are going to make our mouthpiece which requires, you guessed it, more poking! You will want this one to be perpendicular to the other hole as they will need to join up. You have to go right through the apple with this hole as regulating airflow is a must. This is also known as the carb if you want to get fancy with your lingo. 

Then you just pack the bowl and smoke through the mouthpiece, super easy and most people will have the equipment at home. Since you’re smoking through a piece of fruit it will probably go nasty quickly so, once again, this is a temporary solution. Also yes I know this is basically a pipe too, shush. 


Written by Tasha Porritt


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Remember: It is illegal to germinate cannabis seeds in many countries including the UK.  It is our duty to inform you of this fact and to urge you to obey all of your local laws to the letter.  The Vault only ever sells or sends out seeds for souvenir, collection or novelty purposes.


Photo by James Yarema on Unsplash

One thought on “Making A Home Made Bong

  1. Stoner engineering can’t be beat, IMHO. In my time, I’ve seen apple pipes, carrot pipes, banana pipes, even a few watermelon rind & pumpkin bongs.

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