Cooking With Cannabis: Holiday Edition Part 2

Cooking With Cannabis Holiday Edition Part 2
Cooking With Cannabis Holiday Edition Part 2

Photo by Aleisha Kalina on Unsplash



Welcome back everyone, let’s have a look at some more delicious holiday recipes that you can fill to the brim with THC. Last time we went through the process of making weed milk for weed nog! We went over the ingredients there so pop back to see what you need and we will move on with the process. 


Weed Nog Continued


So once you have all of your ingredients together you need to pop your egg yolks and sugar into a bowl and whisk them together. 

Then pour your cannabis milk into a pot with the vanilla extract and heat it slowly until it’s simmering. Then transfer the hot milk into the egg and sugar mix then whisk them all together. 

Pour it all back into the pot and heat again slowly and keep stirring till it starts to thicken. You can either take it off the heat and then stir in the brandy or just leave it to cool. Once cool, pop it in the fridge for about three hours. 

Then whip up that cream and fold it gently into the chilled nog mixture. 

The final part is up to you, you can serve it over ice which can be really tasty or you can heat it again with the cream added in. Then sprinkle on the cinnamon or nutmeg and maybe throw a cinnamon stick in for decoration. 

There you have a delicious THC-filled Christmas treat. 


Ganjabread Mince Pies (I mean it’s gingerbread but…I mean you get it.)


This is actually a recipe I found online and altered a little to make it just a touch more fun. I’m not a mince pie person so I can’t attest to the quality of the recipe but heck, it seems like it would be pretty good. Certainly super Christmassy at any rate. 


What  you’ll need: 


  • 124 g Cannabis Butter
  • 400 g Mince Meat
  • 250 g Plain Flour
  • 1 tbsp Ginger Syrup
  • 50 g Chopped Stem Ginger 
  • ¼ tsp Ground Cinnamon 
  • ½ tsp Ground Ginger 
  • 3 tbsp Golden Caster Sugar 
  • 1 Egg


You’ll also need a biscuit cutter and a cutter for a tiny gingerbread person. Yes I said person, it’s 2022 and I’m not going to gender pastry. 


First we are going to make that gingerbread pastry. In a large bowl pop your cannabutter, chopped into cubes, your flour and your spices. Add a large pinch of salt and crumb the mixture with your likely very cold hands, which is perfect. Crumbing is basically just working the mixture through your fingers until it looks like breadcrumbs. 

Stir in your golden caster sugar then add in the egg and stir it all together until it starts to clump. 

If you have a food processor you can pop the ingredients in there to combine it into a dough and knead it. If you don’t, which is probably most of you, just tip it onto a lightly floured counter and knead it like you would bread dough. 

Once you’ve created a nice smooth dough you can shape it into a disk and pop it in the fridge. Don’t forget to cover or wrap it so that it doesn’t get crumbly and dry. Leave it in there for a minimum of 30 minutes. 


Next we are going to make the mincemeat, well not really make it because we are using premade but I guess we are preparing it. First of all though, preheat your oven 170 degrees C. Next you’re just going to mix your chopped ginger and syrup into the mincemeat. 


Lightly flour the counter top again and roll out your dough around 3mm thick. Grab yourself a muffin tin and start cutting out your bases. With this recipe and an 8mm biscuit cutter you’re supposed to be able to get 12 bases leaving pastry for your gingerbread peeps. Press the bases into the muffin tin carefully. 

Pop about 1 tsp of the mixture into each of these bases, don’t over fill them. You may need to gather up the pastry and reroll it for the gingerbread people. Once you’ve done that, cut out 12 of them and place gently on the top of each of the pies. 


Now just pop them in the oven for 20 – 30 minutes, keep checking to make sure they aren’t burning. Lift them out, put them on a rack, and let them cool before dusting with icing sugar. 


Marijuana Mulled Wine 


So this is one that you can do with alcohol free wine if you like but if you want to go a bit harder this Christmas you can add some THC to your mulled wine. 

First we just need to learn how to imbue liquids with THC, it’s surprisingly easy but does take a while. 


To combine cannabis with alcohol all you need to do is decarboxylate the weed as you would for butter or oil. Then put the weed and the wine into a mason jar with your desired ratio, basically however strong you want the wine to be. Stir well and then put the jar in a dry cool place for a few weeks. Give it a little shake or a stir daily to make sure the mixture doesn’t settle too much. 

The longer you can steep the mixture the stronger it will be but you’ll still get a kick if you can’t steep it for too long. 

Once it’s done just strain the plant matter out of the wine as you usually would and it’s ready to be used in some tasty mulled wine. 


This will have to go into another article but I’ll give you the ingredients for your mulled wine. 


You will need: 


  • Your Cannabis Wine 
  • Strips Of Lemon Zest 
  • 4 tbsp Caster Sugar 
  • 4 Cloves
  • 2 Star Anise 


This is a super easy recipe that will be ideal for either a lovely festive party or really just for enjoying on a snowy night in front of a film alone or with a loved one. It can be intense combining weed and wine so just go easy if you haven’t done it before. See you next time for the recipe!


Written by Tasha Porritt


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Remember: It is illegal to germinate cannabis seeds in many countries including the UK.  It is our duty to inform you of this fact and to urge you to obey all of your local laws to the letter. The Vault only ever sells or sends out seeds for souvenir, collection, or novelty purposes.

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